Quote blog

Herbie Hancock finished

Leading up to this point in the book, I have learnt about Herbie's early life including his playing experiences with Donald Byrd to his joining Miles' famous great quintet from 1963 to 1968. Coming from a background of classical and soul music from growing up in Chicago, Herbie appears to have a very free flowing personality. I definitely got this vibe from a story that Herbie told about the first time he got the chance to join Miles' band. The story went that Herbie was in the middle of recording with a few musicians in his area. He was recording for a studio and was considering putting out an album. The manager of the studio got word that Miles was looking for Herbie and that he was about call him. Herbie did not believe it, but was told that if Miles asked if he was with anyone, he was to say no and agree to what ever Miles said. To no surprise, Miles called and invited Herbie to become part of Miles' first great quintet. Upon first meeting, Miles gave the musicians a few songs to work on and then disappeared upstairs. Little did they know Miles was listening to the musicians play from the outside so that he could get a feel for what they really played like. The way that Herbie appreciated this gesture was in awe and interest of the intelligence of Miles.

Listening to advice is something that Herbie did frequently. He was always open to new ideas. For example, when Herbie ventured out into trying synthesizers. His recording engineer David Rubinson suggested for Herbie to start using the new style of piano despite the fact that he was uninterested in the sound, or its usual application in rock n roll. After taking the advice of Rubinson, Herbie recorded  Crossings. With also being a music score writer, this was a huge skill to have. Herbie definitely has a jazz mentality. This quote that he stated describes this perfectly. When listening to some of the Miles Davis Quintet sessions, you can hear Herbie expressing his own opinions about what he thinks should be done to the pieces. To further this, he would always accept others opinions and allow them be. I have personally found that when listening to Herbie improvise and comp for other musicians, he would always leave lots of room and respond to what someone else had said. He would stay open in a way for the other musicians to say what they needed before adding in his piece. I would say that this is sharing musical space.

"If jazz is about anything, it's about being open and sharing" (Herbie 223)

For me, I absolutely agree with this quote. Today Derek, Josh, Nat and I got together and played jazz for a few hours. I personally am always working on improving my playing. The biggest way that I see improving my playing is by getting others to share tips and critique with me. With Nat just having graduated Berklee College Of Music, I figured he would be a great guy to gather some critique from. So following the jam, I asked him for some critique and advice. We talked for about an hour about methods and my playing as well as his playing. I find that critique is best when the receiver is open about what they are being critiqued on. This relates to Herbie's quote in the open part as well as the sharing as it is essential to share your opinions to one another when playing music in a group. With music being so personal, nobody can be right or wrong when it comes to music. That is why opinions must be shared at all times. Opinions help everyone want to play the music as everyone will be able to feel as though what they are playing is what they want to be playing.


  1. wow this quote was inspirational love to see it

  2. I'm not really a music person, honestly, and I'm not totally sure why. I guess I just like words a lot, and I stay in my comfort zone maybe too much. But reading your blogs makes me want to listen more, actually.

    1. Im very happy that my blogs make you want to listen more to music! A huge part of music is personal connection. With me, music reminds me of happy or sad times in my life. Certain music i can directly connect with a certain event in my life and other music gives me a emotion that i can connect to a certain thing in my life that I am experiencing. Not all people seem to feel that way about music. Some people take music and apply personal connection to it. For example, you take a song and decide to listen to it with Violet. You make that connection with Violet through the song at that point. I have personally found, the more I know about the musicians, the more into their music i become. I think that this is because I find it really interesting to find out what they stand for. Like Mingus for example, he was really controversial because he released songs that talked about being anti KKK and so fourth!

  3. I like how you discuss your own personal vibe ! it makes me get to know you better as a musician


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