Analytical Blog

Essential question: How does doing blog posts about certain readings improve your understanding on the topic and allow for one to apply the things that they read about to their every day lives?

I ask this question because I have been really curious to find out about how reading these biographies and doing a blog on them will impact my day to day life. At first I had thought that doing the blog posts would interfere with my reading of these books. Although, I was very interested in finding out what it would be like to blog about my musical experience in side with reading about other musical experiences. I became more interested about this after I found out that Miles mentioned that he had kept a diary of certain things in his musical career. This fascinated because it allowed for him to be able to keep track of the things that he had accomplished as a musician. This seemed to be really beneficial for Miles as it allowed him to have reference to the large things that happened in his career.   A lot of the big things that he referenced were events like the time that Ellington talked with miles about the song Round' Midnight,

This fascinated me even more because this reference in his diary kept Miles applying the different things that he saw and experienced in his life over and over. The round' midnight event is something that Miles referred too throughout his career quite frequently as it was a large life event that he had experienced. Other things like this were the times that he had experienced with Charlie Parker. These things he kept with him through his diary for later reference. He kept musical ideas as well as bigger concepts that he had learnt from other musicians. One of the biggest ones from Miles that I also put upon myself was the quote from Dizzy that was about how he should find his own voice and make sure that he plays like himself, not like other musicians. This is a quote that I think I had also put into my blog for reference.

Doing a blog and reading about these musicians was really helpful when it came to understanding these musicians and what they were about. The quote blogs and analytical blogs forced me to pick apart and understand the most out of what these musicians had to say and why they made certain choices that they did. Writing about some of the quotes that these musicians stated has made me use and speak these quotes in my every day life. As far as analyzing these musicians lives, I have gained a much deeper understanding on people in general as well as how lifestyle effects what kind of a musician you are. I learnt the most about this from analyzing Mingus. Image result for charles mingus


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